Work in progress 2024
Kristín Sigurðardóttir
Myndir Kristínar búa yfir dulúðugum krafti, við erum stödd í íslensku landslagi en jafnvel samtímis á annarri plánetu. Steinar hennar eru lausir úr viðjum þyngdaraflsins eða ganga fyrir eigin orku og kalla fram ofurmeðvitund um þann eða það sem tók myndirnar. Myndir hennar leggja á ljóðrænan hátt til óvissu.
Kristín myndar það sem ekki er, það sem aldrei var. Hún sækir innblástur í vísindaskáldskap og frásagnir af fljúgandi furðuhlutum. Hugmyndin að Hringfara kviknaði þegar Kristín rakst á frétt í gömlu dagblaði þar sem sagt er frá því er tvær konur hafi séð fljúgandi disk yfir Esjunni. Í verkinu endursegir Kristín söguna með ljósmyndum sínum, rannsakar möguleikann á því að í veröldinni leynist óþekkt líf. Draumkennd sönnunargögn Kristínar vekja frekar upp spurningar en svara þeim, fá okkur til að spyrja hvort við sjáum nógu vel, opna fyrir spennu.
As humanity ponders its borrowed time on earth I look to the stars and the infinite space. We all have witnessed the fast evolution of space exploration and soon there will be a place for the public to buy their seats on scheduled missions in space. But what will we be encountered with when we adventure further into outer space? What faith exists in the unexplored galaxy? How will we face judgment, misunderstanding, and false idols alone in the emptiness of the black space? Who writes us back from light-years away to warn us from danger?
Out there we will be separated from our own kind and we might turn into someone else or something else. We might even pass the conception of linear time and be able to message ourselves in the present. How would we recognize these signs? Or have we already seen them? Perhaps reality is circular and we are born to begin again and again in the infinite loop. Then could our strange encounters on earth be a collective memory from our future selves trying to guide our consciousness into the multiverse?
In looking to test my theory I turn to my own country Iceland. Nasa believed it was essential for its astronauts to prepare for their intragalactic journey by training in the most otherworldly terrain on Earth, choosing Iceland in 1965 and 1967 to be their training site. With a landscape that has its unique shape and history, I focus on found images relating to strange sightings or unexplained lights on the Island. Allowing science, art, and facts to be intertwined. I also use a diverse range of equipment to achieve essentially the perception of nonlinear time.
In the form of a logbook, the work is a visual representation of a voyager's journey through the solar system.
In October 2020 I was staying in Germany in a small village called Ahrenshoop. It is known for artists starting an artist colony after discovering the uncharted landscape, today it is known as an artist spa. My stay took some convincing, in these times it's hard no to be affected by decisions to travel. But the moment I arrived at Ahrenshoop I entered a time capsule. There has little changed and the untouched land came alive jumping out from Anna Gerresheim's paintings reminding me of the novel Dorian Gray, there must be a catch. Artists came here to set aside reality and embrace the untouched power of creation, free from the outside world. I've been enjoying my sanctuary although I've noticed a shadow following me around. I finally realized that although you can hide from the world for a while hiding from your own Infinite Sadness is impossible. The comical representation is intentional since we always make jokes about our mental health and almost never take it seriously.
Made from old slides found at a local thrift store. When I scanned the images I found a collection of statues from old greek mythology. It accord to me that these slides were made to archive and had never been digitized. When reading about Nike and Apollo warrior gods of strength and healing it seemed fitting imagery of them holding hands although never touching. The gloves are a reminder of the time we live in now where touching is almost forbidden.
Another set of found slides. Again images most likely never been digitized, because the slide has lost its cyan color and only violet/red image is left. I know these are slides from Vienna from a place called Schloss Schönbrunn sometimes also called Pleasure Palace. The statue was bought to be photographed with the palace in the background. The statue is called The Three graces - charm, beauty, and creativity. The velvet cloth at the bottom was selected to add texture.
One of my favorite places in the world. Ólafsvík is a small town in Iceland on the northern side of the Snæfellsnes Peninsula.
Work in Progress collab with
Stærð : 42 x 59.4 Prentað á hágæða ljósmyndapappír semi gloss.
Upplag : 5
Verð 25.000 kr
200 $
Stærð : 42x45 Prentað á hágæða ljósmyndapappír semi gloss.
Upplag : 5
Verð 25.000 kr
200 $
Stærð : 42 x 59.4 Prentað á hágæða ljósmyndapappír semi gloss.
Upplag : 5
Verð 25.000 kr
200 $
Stærð : 42 x 59.4 Prentað á hágæða ljósmyndapappír semi gloss.
Upplag : 5
Verð 25.000 kr
200 $
Stærð : 42 x 59.4 Prentað á hágæða ljósmyndapappír semi gloss.
Upplag : 5
Verð 25.000 kr
200 $
Stærð : 42 x 59.4 Prentað á hágæða ljósmyndapappír semi gloss.
Upplag : 5
Verð 25.000 kr
200 $
Stærð : 42 x 59.4 Prentað á hágæða ljósmyndapappír semi gloss.
Upplag : 5
Verð 25.000 kr
200 $
Stærð : 42 x 59.4 Prentað á hágæða ljósmyndapappír semi gloss.
Upplag : 5
Verð 25.000 kr
200 $
In my work “Extension” I use photographs, video and sculptures for guidance to express my experience of space. By layering images and manipulating them a timeless void starts to emerge.
Stærð : 42 x 59.4 Prentað á hágæða ljósmyndapappír semi gloss.
Upplag : 5
Verð 25.000 kr
200 $
30x30 metallic print, carton, 60x60 white wooden frame, non reflective glass. Please contact for price.
Still taken from my sketchbook.